Category : #SciBraaiScienceSides

#SciBraaiScienceSides Human & Social

Some secrets behind Tsonga names

Engela Duvenage
There is nothing arbitrary about how Vatsonga people of Southern Africa receive their names. This is because a name isn’t seen as just an ordinary label...

SciBraai’s #SONA2015 round-up

Science plays a crucial role in improving the state of the nation. Here’s our twitter round-up from Zuma’s #SONA2015, focusing on energy & water, developing our ocean economy, agriculture,...
#SciBraaiScienceSides Health & Medical

#ScibraaiSides: Herpes virus linked to why breastfeeding mothers on ARVs still sometimes transmit HIV to their babes

Engela Duvenage
It’s a question that has baffled many an AIDS researcher: why do antiretroviral therapies (ARVs) not in all cases stop breastfeeding HIV positive mothers from...
#SciBraaiScienceSides Health & Medical

#ScibraaiSides: Ebola crisis a “serious test” of right to high standards of health

Engela Duvenage
In light of the Ebola crisis, a rethink is needed of global cooperation to prevent such a loss of life from occurring again. This is...
#SciBraaiScienceSides Health & Medical

#ScibraaiSides: WRC report takes look at pesticides in our waters

Engela Duvenage
Local water researchers turned to the study of African clawed frogs and Mozambique tilipia fish to understand how and if environmental chemicals in our rivers...
#SciBraaiScienceSides Biology & Evolution

#ScibraaiSides: New cousin of the Barberton daisy found in KZN

Engela Duvenage
Here’s interesting news for fans of the Barberton daisy: A new species of Gerbera, related to this popular cut flower, has been found in the...
#SciBraaiScienceSides Health & Medical

#ScibraaiSides: Parents could be moulding their kids into coach potatoes – or not

Engela Duvenage
Are you a bit of an authoritarian when it comes to parenting your children? Then the chances are good that your offspring will be physically...