The Science Inside is a weekly show that goes inside the science of major news events. The show is broadcast on Voice of Wits every Monday at 6pm.This week’s edition focuses on genetics.
The presenters talk about Japanese researchers’ efforts to genetically engineer hens whose eggs contain drugs that can fight serious diseases including cancer.
Genetically personalised or precision medicine, when a treatment has been chosen or influenced by your particular genetics. Aaron Ciechanover, the joint winner of the 2004 Nobel prize in Chemistry, talks.about personalized medicine and Dr Daniel Meyersfeld from DNAlysis explain what the future holds in this area
In Unscience looks into whether kissing can help treat allergies.
Antibiotic resistant bacteria, is a growing concerning in the medical community. Professor Bavesh Kana, head of the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) node of the DST/NRF Centre of Excellence for Biomedical TB Research, talks about the bacteria and its threat.
The Science Inside is presented by Elna Schütz and DJ Keyez. Our production team is Gabriel Chemhuru with technical production by Kutlwano Serame. Original concept by Paul McNally
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